Pirate Christian Media

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Wrecking Ball of a "Praise Song"

Could someone explain to us the purpose of having a church's praise band perform Miley Cyrus's song, Wrecking Ball? Newspring Church, under the "pastoral care" of Perry Noble did exactly that.

Makes perfect sense if you think about it. Miley Cyrus is a paragon of Christian virtues and morality...cough...well... she was rated G years ago when she was Hannah Montana. But, clearly she's made some effort to shed the G rating and is now rated PG-13... no, R... no, is it X?

Video from Newspring's Church performance is posted below; notice how they projected the lyrics so that the people at Newspring Church could sing along, just like a praise song. This is done under the very mistaken idea that "we have to get unbelievers into church anyway we can!" 

A viewer comment from the YouTube page says it well (quoting C.H. Spurgeon): "A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats."