The Pandemonium of "Prophecy" Open Mic

If you've never witnessed the bizarre pandemonium of "prophecy" open mic at Glory of Zion then grab yourself some drinking straws, padding and duct tape and get ready for one of the most insane things that you've ever seen done in the name of the Holy Spirit.

After watching this you will either think The Holy Spirit is a blathering idiot and is incapable of coherent and lucid communication or these people are under the deception of a really strong delusion. 

WARNING: If you watch the video below, you can never get those minutes back. Just for fun, be sure to watch for the cameo appearance of Dana Carvey (at 3:10 into the video) where he resurrects the character Garth (from the movie Wayne's World) and brilliantly combines it with the Church Lady character to create the Angry Plundering Lady!

Watch video at this link: Raid the Caves and Crossover - Passover 5776 Friday Morning

"Press in and take the plunder!!!"