Can Christians Be Possessed by Demons?


Kathy DeGraw - Can Christians Be Possessed by Demons?

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False Prophecy Extravaganza


00:08:30 Keith Craft’s Prophetic Word Salad
00:48:10 Phil Pringle’s Failed 2020 Vision Prophecy
01:21:03 BONUS: Dr. Michael Brown’s False Youth Revival Prophecy from Brownsville

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Todd Bentley Postmortem Part 3


Todd Bentley Postmortem Part 3 - The False Religion That Made Him and Sustained Him

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How Were So Many Fooled by Bentley?


How Were So Many Fooled by Bentley?

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Todd Bentley Was Never Qualified!


Todd Bentley Was Never Qualified!

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Defecting From Todd White & Lifestyle “Christianity”


Steve Kozar Interview With Trevor Parmentier RE: His Defection from Todd White and Lifestyle Christianity

For a TON of information about Todd White please check out this article from The Messed Up Church:

The Todd White Cornucopia of False Teaching

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Is God Speaking Through Toys?


00:08:08 Lou Engle & Michael Koulianos Guides Jesus’ Image in Uber Strange Fire
00:13:20 Belinda Williams The Chucky Prophecy
00:32:10 Perry Stone Discusses His Personal Angel
00:40:22 Michael Koulianos Guides Jesus’ Image in Uber Strange Fire
00:44:41 Banning Liebscher White Washes Bethel’s Grave Sucking
01:20:23 Sermon Review: Its a Wonderful Life by Gene Binder

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For further research:

10 Reasons Why You Should RUN AWAY From Bethel Redding

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The Power of Imaginary Friends


00:06:17  Kris Vallotton Keep Silent?
00:43:06 Victoria Osteen How to Protect God-Sized Dreams
01:12:42 Sermon Review: The Power of Imaginary Friends by Paul Scanlon

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The Power of Sin?


00:09:11 Ryan LeStrange The Presence is Key
00:16:44  Mike Mott Choosing the God of My Encounter
00:44:47 Benny Hinn The Secrets to Abundance
01:20:03 Sermon Review: The Power of Sin by Brian Houston

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Losing Your Ship


00:10:43 Bill Johnson Promotes Todd Bentley's Upcoming "Revival"
00:16:40  Asher Intrater Claims Our Words Change the World
00:44:42  Rich Wilkerson Losing Your Ship
01:09:05 Sermon Review: Process for Progress by Jim Hennesey

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The Jesus Movement vs Institutional Christianity


00:08:37 Thom Shirley Office Gifts - The Office of Apostles
00:39:46  C. Peter Wagner New Wine Skin vs. Old Wineskin
00:57:08  Lou Engle A Jesus Movement is Coming
01:05:12 Sermon Review: The Jesus Movement vs Institutional Christianity by Dr. Michael Brown

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Let's Get De-Snakified


00:07:31 Ryan LeStrange God is Releasing Joseph Dreams
00:18:08  Katie Souza Let's Get De-Snakified
00:36:19  Katherine Rounala Baptism of Fire Creates a Life of Miracles
00:49:23  Joel Cave Ready Aim Fire
01:04:49 Sermon Review: Dream Hustle Win by Tavner Smith

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I See Rich People


00:08:10 Michelle Corral Anointing and Appointing for Ministry
00:18:46  Kris Vallotton God Let's You See Rich People So You Can Become One
00:34:16  Steven Furtick Danger in the Distance
00:48:05  Ken Copeland Jesus Always Wills to Heal You
01:12:19 Sermon Review: Restoring Your Passion by Ray Johnston

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Baptize = to Pickle?


00:09:33 James Goll Spewage of Prophetic Buzz Words
00:19:36  Brian Houston Digging Deeper
00:44:16  Bill Johnson Written Word Doesn't Create Faith
00:51:52  Georgian Banov Baptize = to Pickle
01:05:24 Sermon Review: The Impossible Exchange by Jurgen Matthesius

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The Next Wave: Revival Revolution


00:09:57 Bob Jones Angelic Visitation & Stories of the Supernatural
00:20:48  Jan-Aage Torp God Anoints Apostles Today
00:49:19  Steve Cioccolanti Beyond BILLY GRAHAM: The LAST MOVE of GOD
00:57:15  Lou Engle Billy Grahams Mantle
01:08:07 Sermon Review: The Next Wave: Revival Revolution by Michael Brown

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How Can Dr. Michael Brown Call It the "So-Called" NAR When...(Part 2)


00:06:42 C. Peter Wagner Explains How the N.A.R. is the largest and fastest growing megablock in Christianity
01:14:11 Sermon Review: What is an Apostle by Kris Vallotton

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How Can Dr. Michael Brown Call It the "So-Called" NAR When...(Part 1)

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They Tie Up Heaven Burdens


00:06:38 Wanda Alger Moving from the Sword to the Scepter
00:18:52  Paul Keith Davis Qualified by Courage
00:26:11  Jerame Nelson West Coast Rumba
00:37:31  Bill Johnson Contending Vs. Resting
00:45:27  Katherine Rounala Taking Hold Of God's Promises By Faith
01:08:23 Sermon Review: Sweet Dreams by Penny Maxwell

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Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception" (Audio Version)


Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception" (Audio Version)

Here's another interview with Costi Hinn from last March where Costi tells more of his personal story to Kozar: Interview With Costi Hinn: Leaving Uncle Benny to (Really) Follow Jesus

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Conversation with Costi Hinn (Nephew of Benny Hinn) About His Book "Defining Deception"

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Are the Sign Gifts For Today?


Are the Sign Gifts For Today? by Chris Rosebrough

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