Leaving the NAR Church: Lydia's story

Leaving the NAR Church: Lydia's story

We sent her there with our blessing and financial support, gone from us for a year without contact for the most part and under their influence and NAR teaching.  Our solid home church, pastors and elders, supported and sent her off with their blessing as well. 

Lydia’s loved one was exposed and indoctrinated to the New Apostolic Reformation through Adventures in Missions (AIM) and The World Race. (See, The aim of AIM and the World Race.) The guilt she feels is compounded by the fact that this young woman will no longer listen to Lydia’s tearful Scriptural pleas for discernment.

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"Dream Destiny infection spreading"

"Dream Destiny infection spreading"

Does God put a dream destiny in your heart? Did He make you for a God-sized dream?

The words, “dream destiny,” or, “God’s dream” are popping up in a significant number of sermons and books by celebrity pastors. It’s as if they’re all preaching from the same strange hymnal.

Once you recognize the symptoms and the widespread infection, you can’t unsee the dream shift happening in modern churches.

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Azusa Redux: Lou Engle, Greg Laurie uniting denominations?

Azusa Redux: Lou Engle, Greg Laurie uniting denominations?

“Can you believe with us that denominations will unite, that the races could come together, that God could make us one, as the antidote to the terrific division in our day? Could you believe with us for stadium Christianity where signs and wonders are breaking out and mass evangelism explodes across our country- the Third Great Awakening?”

So asks NAR-affiliated false teacher Lou Engle, founder of the "Azusa Call" set for April 9th at the LA Coliseum.  "We are believing for an outbreak of God's glory that will touch the Lord on this day! If we move together, we can see a shift in the body of Christ, unto a day of greater healings and a great awakening for America!"

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